Kyle MacGillivray

Kyle MacGillivray – owner Kyles NOFRILLS. He was born and raised in PEI. Grew up with a family in the retail/grocery business, however, He looked for something different and went to school for engineering. After that, he became a commercial deep-sea diver where he had the privilege to travel and work. This career brought Kyle to the coast of BC in 2009 where he met my wife, Vanessa. A short 18 months later they both ended up back in PEI where he began working at his father’s NOFRILLS in PEI. While training to someday own a store under my father’s leadership he found the time to become a volunteer firefighter with Crossroads Fire Department. In late 2015 the opportunity presented itself to move to Kitimat and own and operate my own NOFRILLS. After a quick Google search of where Kitimat was here, 9 years later fully involved in the community at the Shooting Range, Snowmobile Club, Fishing Derby, Hospital, Food Bank, Humane Society, and Rod & Gun, among many other local events and organizations. Kyle values the work the chamber does for the community and is proud to be on the board.

The Kitimat Chamber of Commerce
  • Mon. – Fri.9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    Sat. – Sun.Closed
  • © 2022 Kitimat Chamber of Commerce. Proudly Locally Designed by Spruce Tree Media Ltd.
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