FAQ & Help

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Updating Account Info

Account info can be updated in the "My Account" section.

Once in the "My Account" section your basic info in the first tab labeled "About". Only 3 things from this section can be viewed publicly in the member directory and are ALL REQUIRED, these being:

Business/Organization Name

Full Business Address

Business Phone Number

For privacy reasons, you may hide the Business Address and Business Phone Number from the directory. You may do this by checking the required box in the "Profile" tab.

The Contact Person & Email for invoicing: please use the following format to add multiple emails to this section (main@gmail.com,second@gmail.com) All emails listed here will receive ALL automatic emails meant for the main contact. Only put the invoicing email here if you are fine with this person receiving these emails. If this is not the case please add them as a secondary contact so they can still login to view and pay invoices. You may still have to inform accounting that an invoice is available as they wont receive a notification about the invoice if they are a Secondary Contact.

To add a secondary contact, please use the "Additional" tab.

The "Profile" tab is where you update your Member Directory info.

The Business Card is what will be shown to people scrolling through the Member Directory.

Your logo MUST be uploaded to the Business Card or else it will not display as your logo.

Please make sure to use FULL links when linking your social media. If full link is not used, it simply wont work.

You can use the Photo Gallery to upload images such as hotel rooms, menu's or menu items, products, artwork, ect. If we find any images we deem inappropriate, the image will be deleted and further action MAY be taken. If an image you would like to upload is in a bit of a grey area for any reason whether it be images on products, words or anything of the sort, please feel free to contact us and we will let you know.

Secondary Contacts

Secondary contacts can be added to the account to be used as just that or to be used to give other members of your team access to some of the account without giving them full access to edit main account info.

In the case of allowing more people to have access to the account a password can be requested, and they will be able to log in using there email and password. To request a password for a secondary contact, simply log out of the admin account and go back to the login page. Once here, instead of logging in, click the request password button and put the email that is attached to the secondary contact.

A Secondary Contact WILL NOT be able to view or change any of the main account info, they will only be able to edit there own contact info.

We recommend that anyone you have that would usually send us events or job listings be added as a secondary contact. This will allow them to post and manage those things themselves instead of having to contact other people to do so. We can post job listings and events on our end but if we do, you will not have access to an even even if it is your own. You must post the listings yourself to have access to them.

NOT RECOMMENDED: If you only want to have a single login and contact, you can share the login to allow other people into the account.


Invoices can be viewed and paid in 2 spots. The first is the "Invoice's" section that can be accessed on the dashboard. The second is the History tab in the "My Account" section.

You can click the invoice number to view, print, or email the invoice

To pay invoice's, simply select all invoice's you wish to pay, scroll to the bottom of the page, fill out your credit card info.

If you have a specific accounting department to pay invoices please view "Secondary Contacts" or "The Contact Person & Email for invoicing" under "Updating Account Info" this will give you all your options

If you wish to pay by cheque, you may do so by making the cheque out to the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce and mailing it to the address on your invoice.

Posting/Managing Events

To post an event, click on either event section. Click the Add New Event button that is right above the calendar. Fill out the form, click Save & Continue and your good to go.

To edit your event, click on whichever section your event is listed in. Click on your event and go to the Admin tab.

Please make sure you select the correct category for your event.

Event posters or images will NOT auto resize to fit with a template. Because of this make sure to upload smaller sized images (apx 750px high)

If your event is fully canceled, please contact us using the form below and let us know. We will then delete your event.

Posting/Managing Job Listings

You can add a job listing in the Add Job Listing section by just filling out the form. If you need more options such as more Job Types, Industry's, Salary's, or more Work From options, please let us know using the Suggestions/Ideas form.

You cannot upload a PDF to the job form.

Please leave the name within the Your Info section at the top of the form as is. This info is not displayed on your job listing and is only used to link to your account. If this info is changed you may have issues editing your job listing in the future. If this happens to you, please contact us using the form below and we will help you out.

All job listings can be viewed and edited in the Edit/Delete Job Listings section.

All job listings automatically de-list after 30 days, you can renew your listing in the Edit/Delete Job Listings section. We ask that you delete any job listings after application deadline closes or the position is filled.

Renting Boardroom & Equipment

The Chamber rents out many things that are easily available to our members. You can take advantage of our rentals within the Rentals section.

Rental availability is limited. For all equipment rentals please choose your pick up day as your rental day. We will do the rest.

We will rent to non-members on a case-by-case basis, though they will have to contact us directly.

You will receive a Rental Confirmation email that contains all the information you provided us.

Any rentals that you have paid for will be viewable with the rest of your invoices.

Taking Advantage of Member Opportunities

Its simple, just follow any instructions that are listed for each opportunity. If your having any trouble please contact us using the form below.

Renewing Your Membership

Renewals will officially start Jan 15 of every year. Once renewals are officially started you will receive a renewal notice with instructions for renewing as well as any other relevant info. The basic instructions are as follows:

Login to Member Dashboard (If you have forgotten your login info and the request new password button isn't working, please contact us)

Update all account information

Select membership level

Follow payment instructions.

Once payment is received your membership is officially renewed.

You have till March 15 of the given year (60 Days) to renew your membership. While we wont issue an overdue fee, you will loose access to most features of the Member Dashboard as well as any Chamber benefits you have. This includes health benefits. You will also not be able to view, register, or attend any member only events including the Christmas Party.

Once we have received payment for your renewal, you will regain access to your Member Benefits.

If you are not comfortable using our new system, please fill out the form below or contact us directly. We can explain a specific process to you, meet up for an in person tutorial, or we can simply update your info manually on our end.


Please fill out the form below to request further help or ask us any questions you have about your membership, the Member Dashboard, or anything regarding member opportunities.


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The Kitimat Chamber of Commerce
  • Mon. – Fri. 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    Sat. – Sun. Closed
  • © 2022 Kitimat Chamber of Commerce. Proudly Locally Designed by Spruce Tree Media Ltd.
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